Sports Psychology & Mindfulness
“To increase athletic performance, mindfulness and acceptance-based practices are an empirically supported intervention.”
The Mindful Coach
Sports psychology research has shown that mindfulness practices enhance overall sports performance by increasing an athlete’s ability to function in the zone. Concentration and awareness are sharpened, improving accuracy and precision (Gooding & Gardner, 2009. Journal of Clinical Sports Psychology).
The Mindful Athlete
Being in the zone or feeling a sense of flow happens naturally at moments throughout each day. With mindful awareness practices, athletes can learn to skillfully create and sustain flow states. Concentration and awareness are sharpened, improving accuracy and precision (Gooding & Gardner, 2009. Journal of Clinical Sports Psychology).
As I’m gearing up for a run, I’m pondering the topic for this mindfulness blog. After selecting just the right gear so I’m neither too hot nor too cold for an eight mile run, I finally get myself outside. After a couple miles my mind wanders, reminding me that I need a blog topic. I let the thought go and return my attention to my running. Then the lightbulb goes off. What I’m doing right now - mindful running, is the blog!