Victim, Survivor, or Navigator?
Choosing a Path to Joy and Personal Effectiveness
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Friday, May 6, 2016
8:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Penn Medicine's Innovation Academy
1500 Market Street - Centre Square
9th Floor West Tower
Philadelphia, PA 19102
This seminar will introduce you to the model created by Rick McKnight that encapsulates the three most common responses to organizational change, and indeed, to life itself.
Tolstoy observed about families that there are an infinite number of ways for families to be dysfunctional but that all functional families are very similar. So it is with approaches to the pursuit of fulfillment, purpose, and meaning; the expression of anger, distress, grasping, and agitation takes many forms, but the behaviors that lead to maturity and wisdom, look remarkably the same from person to person. Rick calls it the Navigator mode.
Rick will introduce a competency model for the behaviors that make up the Navigator mode and participants will be able to assess themselves against it. Two guest speakers will connect this model to their work in the field of mindfulness and emergency medicine, respectively.
Also speaking will be:
Curt Woolford, MA
Mindfulness Instructor trained at Penn Program for Mindfulness, Jefferson Mindfulness Institute, and with Jon Kabat-Zinn.
"How Mindfulness Can Help You Get and Stay in Navigator Mode"
Rich Hamilton, MD
Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine
Drexel University Medical School
"Mind Over Matter: How We Are Using Mindfulness in Emergency Medicine"
Participants will receive a complimentary copy of
Victim, Survivor, or Navigator? Choosing a Response to Workplace Change.